The Timeless Way of building

2022-02-26 22:24

  • The Timeless Way of building is a book written by Christopher Alexander. It defines a pattern based way of building architecture which has been highly influential in software design (See [[Technology]])
  • There is a 'quality without a name'.
    • It cannot be put exactly into words, but is something close to egoless / comfortable / whole / alive. Much of life is a struggle to become closer to that quality. Great architecture helps us become closer to that quality, by having some of it in it.
    • A place has that quality when it is alive.
    • Aliveness comes from the events that happen there every day. The events in a space have a symbiotic relationship with the architecture of the space. They shape each other.
    • A place is alive when it's been built by the community that use the place.
    • The quality without a name is emergent. It cannot be created, only encouraged by the architecture and the people in it.
  • To enable communities to build, we must equip them with a pattern language
    • patterns can either be alive or dead
    • each pattern is a rule of thumb which describes what must be done to generate the event which it defines
    • Each pattern has principle components which define it
    • you must be able to draw a pattern. This is because the language is spacial rather than verbal.
  • The patterns must then be put together into a structured language
    • Patterns are not isolated, and they do not live in a flat heirarchy
    • The network of patterns creates the language. It anchors each pattern and helps to make it complete.
    • The quality without a name emerges more from the compounding combination of patterns than any individual pattern
    • The language must be made before starting design, as it's the structure and content of the language which make the design.
  • In summary, to create somewhere that has the quality without a name:
    • Observe the events
    • List patterns which relate to these events
    • Combine the patterns in your mind
    • A pattern works when it deals with all forces that are present
    • The only way to know if it works is to see how it makes you feel
    • Finally, the timeless way of building is 'timeless' because it's the way we intuitively build as humans, and have done for years. It merely enables us to unlock that intuition.
  • What does a pattern language look like in VR?